The East Lakes Division of the American Association of Geographers (ELDAAG) Annual Meeting has come and gone. The conference was a...

AGU Centennial grant awarded
My departmental colleague and I recently were awarded a grant from the American Geophysical Union (AGU) Centennial Grnat Program. The...

#WMUgeography fall colloquium
This academic year I am coordinating the Lucia Harrison Colloquium Series for my department. I am really excited to bring in a number of...

#IMAGIN2019 in Grand Rapids
This week I attended a GIS professional meeting in Grand Rapids. The IMAGIN conference emphasizes the work of GIS professionals from a...

New article in Transactions in GIS
I recently coauthored an article in published in Transactions in GIS entitled 'GIS&T pedagogies and instructional challenges in higher...

Straight talk about research
My former university, Oklahoma State University, recently featured my work in the Vice President for Research Straight Talk about...

Michigan Space Grant Consortium seed grant awarded
The Michigan Space Grant Consortium recently awarded my research seed grant proposal focusing on use of remote sensing in the urban...

UAS Symposium at the AAG Annual Meeting
This year's AAG UAS Symposium was a huge success. Thanks to sponsors Pix4D and MDPI Drones, we were able to host a keynote address and a...

#aagDCuas Symposium a few weeks away!
The 2019 UAS Symposium at the AAG Annual Meeting in DC features 4 paper sessions, a panel session, a poster session sponsored by Pix4D...

Invited talk at GVSU
Tonight I visited Grand Valley State University in Allendale (west of Grand Rapids) to present my urban remote sensing research to a...