Article published in IJRS!
Several co-authors and I have published a manuscript entitled 'Estimating home and work population using lidar-derived building volumes'...

Tech Talk on campus
Today I gave a tech talk entitled 'Encouraging (Inter)Active Learning in the Classroom with Technology' on campus that was sponsored by...

UAS Team takes the 2016 President's Cup!
Today, our team of OSU faculty from across campus were acknowledged by Oklahoma State University. We were awarded the 1st place prize in...

Dr. Andrew Hall visits OSU
This past Friday (Nov-11) Dr. Andrew Hall visited OSU Geography all the way from Albury, NSW, Australia. He gave a research talk as a...

SWAAG Meeting in Denton, Texas
The Southwest Division of the American Association of Geographers held its annual conference this past Thursday and Friday. Oklahoma...

Another great REP Conference
At the tail end of last week the Race, Ethnicity, and Place (REP) Conference was held in Kent, Ohio. It was a great meeting with...

A visit to USDA-ARS in El Reno
Colton Flynn (PhD student), Emily Ellis (MS student), and I visited the USDA-Agricultural Research Service today in El Reno to meet with...

New wine paper published!
My co-author Jordan Brasher and I recently had our paper entitled 'The use of place and geography to market wine in Oklahoma' published...

Haffner position paper accepted by NSF Workshop on Big Data and CyberGIS
Matt Haffner's position paper entitled "A Multi-Dimensional Topology for Crowdsourced Geographic Information" was recently accepted for...

The NASA project team (learn more here) recently traveled to the Los Angeles area to visit with collaborators at the NASA Jet Propulsion...