The East Lakes Division of the American Association of Geographers (ELDAAG) Annual Meeting has come and gone. The conference was a...

#IMAGIN2019 in Grand Rapids
This week I attended a GIS professional meeting in Grand Rapids. The IMAGIN conference emphasizes the work of GIS professionals from a...

UAS Symposium at the AAG Annual Meeting
This year's AAG UAS Symposium was a huge success. Thanks to sponsors Pix4D and MDPI Drones, we were able to host a keynote address and a...

#aagDCuas Symposium a few weeks away!
The 2019 UAS Symposium at the AAG Annual Meeting in DC features 4 paper sessions, a panel session, a poster session sponsored by Pix4D...

#AGU18 in Washington, DC
Last week I attended the AGU Fall Meeting in Washington, DC. With over 28,000 attendees, the meeting was an exciting one! This was my...

Applied Geography Conference at Kent State
The Applied Geography Conference was held at the end of last week in Kent, OH by Kent State University. I presented a talk co-authored...

East Lakes AAG Meeting
The East Lakes Division of the American Association of Geographers held its Annual Meeting today at Ohio Northern University in Ada,...

#AAG2018 in New Orleans
This year's AAG Annual Meeting was held in New Orleans, LA. I presented a talk (co-authored by Dr. Tom Wikle) entitled 'GIS&T pedagogy in...

SWPRTI presentation at Sequoyah State Park
My co-author Hank Yang and I presented 'Advanced Mapping Technologies for Parks today at the Southwest Park and Recreation Training...

OSU Geography at December OKSCAUG Meeting
Several Oklahoma State Geography faculty (led by Peter Kedron), staff, and students attended the OKSCAUG User Group Meeting today in...