#mapathonWMU for 2018 #geoweek
Around 60 students, faculty, staff, and the public attended #mapathonWMU on GIS Day (Nov-14) in the middle of Geography Awareness Week...

Applied Geography Conference at Kent State
The Applied Geography Conference was held at the end of last week in Kent, OH by Kent State University. I presented a talk co-authored...

East Lakes AAG Meeting
The East Lakes Division of the American Association of Geographers held its Annual Meeting today at Ohio Northern University in Ada,...

A visit to UNM Geography and Environmental Studies
Last week I visited the University of New Mexico's Department of Geography and Environmental Studies in Albuquerque. I gave a research...
Haffner publishes 3rd dissertation article
PhD advisee and current Assistant Professor Matthew Haffner recently published the third article of his dissertation in GeoJournal. The...

New paper in Computers, Environment and Urban Systems
My MS advisee Emily Ellis recently published a paper entitled 'Object-based delineation of urban tree canopy: assessing change in...

Publication in The Geography Teacher
My co-author Colton Flynn and I just published a lesson plan article in The Geography Teacher entitled 'Supporting Experiential Learning...

Urban remote sensing research presented at IGU Pre-Conference Meeting in Kalamazoo
Today I presented some of my and my co-authors (Amy Frazier--Arizona State University and Son Nghiem--NASA JPL) research entitled...

Greetings from Western Michigan
I've made it to Western Michigan University, my new academic home! Time to move into my new office and settle in for a new semester....

New position at Western Michigan University
I’ve recently accepted an Assistant Professor position in the Department of Geography at Western Michigan University! I will be...