Haffner publishes 3rd dissertation article
PhD advisee and current Assistant Professor Matthew Haffner recently published the third article of his dissertation in GeoJournal. The...

Haffner earns PhD and tenure-track position at UWEC
Matt Haffner, my first PhD student, graduates this week from OSU Geography. Matt, I mean Dr. Haffner, will soon start as an Assistant...

Haffner successfully defends dissertation
My PhD advisee, Matthew Haffner, successfully defended his dissertation today. Congratulations Matt on such an accomplishment! His three...

New article in Geographical Review
My co-authors Matt Haffner (first author), Emily Fekete, and Allen Finchum recently had an article accepted and published online in...

Haffner now ABD
Today, PhD student Matt Haffner successfully defended his dissertation proposal entitled "Assessing the Validity of Location Based Social...

Haffner position paper accepted by NSF Workshop on Big Data and CyberGIS
Matt Haffner's position paper entitled "A Multi-Dimensional Topology for Crowdsourced Geographic Information" was recently accepted for...