Urban remote sensing book chapter published
Take a look at my recently published book chapter the second edition of Urban Remote Sensing: Monitoring, Synthesis and Modelling edited...

New book chapters on UAS published
I'm happy to share that two new book chapters on UAS were published in Fundamentals of Capturing and Processing Drone Imagery and Data...

Cartographic Design & Geovisualization offered in Fall 2021
I'm happy to be teaching Cartographic Design in the fall for the first time since 2013. Cartography remains one of my favorite topics and...

Presentation for #GISday at the University of Pécs
Happy Geography Awareness Week (#geoweek) and #GISday! This year my NASA JPL colleague Dr. Son Nghiem and I were invited to contribute a...

Latest in publication in JPRA
My latest coauthored research entitled 'A Historical Geospatial Analysis of Severe Weather Events in Oklahoma State Parks: A Park...

Promotion to Associate Prof
I'm excited to announce that I was recently promoted to Associate Professor with tenure! I'm happy to move on to the next stage of my...

New paper in Professional Geographer
Check out my most recent publication in The Professional Geographer entitled 'Emerging Geospatial Technologies in Instruction and...

UAS-SfM article published in Papers in Applied Geography
Results from a MS thesis project (student serving as lead author) are now available in Papers in Applied Geography. This work...

Article published in The Leading Edge
A new article coauthored by faculty from Oklahoma State University and the University of Delaware and led by a former student (graduated...

#WMUgeography spring colloquium
The spring colloquium season is here! This semester I've organized 4 more research talks with scholars from the University of Michigan,...