Haffner publishes 3rd dissertation article
PhD advisee and current Assistant Professor Matthew Haffner recently published the third article of his dissertation in GeoJournal. The...

USGS National UAS Project Office visit
I was honored to visit the USGS National UAS Project Office in Denver today as part of a two-day collaboration with their team focusing...

NREM seminar
I was invited to give the OSU Department of Natural Resource Ecology and Management (NREM)'s first seminar of the spring semester today....

GIS&T BoK2 UAS entry
The University Consortium for Geographic Information Science (UCGIS) has spearheaded an effort to revamp the Geographic Information...

Haffner now ABD
Today, PhD student Matt Haffner successfully defended his dissertation proposal entitled "Assessing the Validity of Location Based Social...

Haffner position paper accepted by NSF Workshop on Big Data and CyberGIS
Matt Haffner's position paper entitled "A Multi-Dimensional Topology for Crowdsourced Geographic Information" was recently accepted for...

2016 UCGIS Symposium: What a great meeting!
I attended the 2016 UCGIS Symposium last week in Scottsdale, Arizona. It was a very enjoyable and productive meeting. Amy Frazier and I...